Thursday 16 February 2012

Too much sunlight can be blinding.

Happy Thursday! So I've decided to do a mid-week blog which is new - especially at this time of the morning!
  I'm in one of those moods where everything is bathed in sunlight, birds are singing and the air smells sweet.
I received some amazing news yesterday; my fellow readers: I've been made the next editor of the news section of my university's newspaper! :) which is brill, because I'm a budding journalist and I LOVE writing for the paper.
Whilst you are reading this, I'm going to briefly bring in another topic.

I attended a university society meeting the other night, and we had a guest speaker come in. He was an Indian lawyer from Malaysia and one of the most inspirational people I think I've met in my life so far - he came with his wife and daughter (who was very sweet!!) to give a group of us an informed and touching talk about the treatment of Indians/Hindus in Malaysia.
They are unfairly discriminated against. You may (or not) have seen the Youtube video, where a group of extremists parade a severed cow's head around the capital, Kuala Lumpur to insult Hindus in Malaysia.
 Actually, they've insulted Hindus and the name of humane behaviour globally.
Very few things actually get to me and really make an impression.  There is a current online petition for the activist group HINDRAF (Hindu Rights Action Force) to bring this racial and human rights injustice to the UN, Geneva and British Parliament.
The Malaysian Govt has outlawed the organisation by deeming it "illegal" , a racist party and thus banned it.

What is illegal about standing up for basic rights? What is illegal about fighting for human rights? What is illegal about the freedom of expression? Nothing. It's a cover to try and frighten the population.
What is racist about wanting to be equal? I'll tell you what is racist: did you know that 90% of Indian students who achieve top grades are denied admission into university because of their religion?
That 90% of people held in custody are Indians/Hindus? That forceful conversion takes place on a daily basis?
This is racist. This is a serious breach of human rights and it has to end NOW.
So far, HINDRFAF has achieved their mini target of 500 signatures and currently on 527 signatures last time I checked.
BUT, the thing is: they need 100,000 signatures in order to bring it to global recognition.
 Let's forget race. This is a human issue. They imprison young children for no reason whatsoever.
Whatever religion you are, atheist, agnostic, Pagaen - forget that for a moment.  This is a HUMAN issue and how can we stand back and let this injustice take place?
What happened the last time we let prejudice and discrimination take place? The Holocaust.
What did European governments promise? They promised to NEVER let such a cruel act of inhumanity happen again in Europe.
Let's apply this to the current injustice that Hindus face in Malaysia.
Here's the link, it only takes a couple of minutes to sign and is NOT spam (I've signed it).

(if the link doesn't work, paste it into your browser)

Sign it and pass it onto as many people as you know. 
We cannot let this seriously wrong human issue go unwatched, unchecked and let the tyranny of a government destroy a future generation of innocent children and young adults who deserve the right to freedom, education and equality regardless of race, religion, class and creed.
Be part of the change and finally expose the horrors that have been going on in Malaysia for decades.
Thank you guys.
Oh and PS: As I know this is a common thought: I'm not insulting Islam nor am I inciting hatred against Islam (I know there's some crazies around). I am merely spreading awareness of this serious human issue because I have a heart, compassion and empathy to help others.
If you don't like what I am typing, think that I've "offended you/ your religion" and cannot face the cruel realities of planet Earth, grow some thicker skin and  move along!

Remember: I'm now on Twitter, so if you have it follow me @c_syal

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