Wednesday 23 January 2013

Gym Gorillas

So recently I've started going to the gym - yes in the snow, dedication - and after a week and a half, I'm happy to say that there's been a significant improvement already!
Like many people who go to the gym for the first time it's quite intimidating. First of all, it's a new experience and probably out of your comfort zone. You're worried people might laugh at you, you might break the equipment, feel like the hippo in the room etc. But honestly, it's not that bad once you get started and are in a regular routine. And have your trusty iPod to avoid awkward conversations. Confidence is key.
Being a student, my university has a gym which is cheaper than normal ones and obviously nearly everyone uses it. However, being the observer that I am, there's just a few things I wanted to share and get off my chest.
Most girls tend to stay in the cardio section and don't go near the weights area. For a start, that's no good because doing resistance burns more calories even after you stop working out. It also builds tone and tightens your figure - not everyone ends up looking boyish, it depends on your natural body shape.
So why does this happen? Well, partly because the weights room is a testosterone den where its inhabitants are inept of gym etiquette and just stare as if they've never seen a female before.
Apparently, the gym is the place to "pick up girls." Conclusion: Nowhere is safe even if you're not wearing make-up and dressed up.
For example, at my induction when the personal trainer showed us around the weights room there was a group of guys doing sit-ups.
I thought: Oh that's nice, so dedicated to the cause. Then one of them started to scream with 7 others egging him: "Go on ma son!! Go on you p*ssy!"
As you can imagine, my face dropped and I had to seriously control my laughter. For someone who's never been in a gym (me lol), I was really weirded out.
I was like: For God's sake guys, it's a sit-up you're not giving birth to triplets!
I swear, I just wanted to walk out and never return. But I was like: no no, I'm here to focus on myself. I'll just come earlier. So that's what my flatmate and I do. Most of the time it works but there's always 1 day...
Today, it was unusually busy and to my horror we could hear battle cries as some poor soul sounded like he was giving birth. To be very honest, I have no idea why guys feel the need to strut around like peacocks waving their "jewels" through their trackies (there really ain't much to show) and grunt, roar, cry as though they're in a battle scene from 300.
For starters: you are NOT Gerard Butler. Secondly: by grunting louder than a pig through a megaphone does  not make you gain muscle faster. It just sounds like you're constipated and didn't use the loo before coming in. Thirdly, by strutting around does not make you look "cool" or some sort of "stud". You look like a shifty car salesman. Go home.
So as you can see, the gym is an excellent place to observe human behaviour and make you question people's levels of sanity. It's also probably the best way to lose weight. Ignore the neanderthals, you're there for a reason. And I guess they're background noise.

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