Friday 8 March 2013

Apples and Oranges


I live in a world where things still aren't equal. I don't want to be the same as you, Tom, Dick or Harry
I want to be treated equally but still keep my differences - is that so much to ask for?
There is a difference between equality and homogeneity. Don't know the difference? Go read a dictionary.

I am a Feminist and no: I do not go around burning bras or declaring hatred upon men,
I do not go around shouting the odds, sh*t stirring, shaving my head, chaining myself to rails.
I do not hate men, I do not hate myself. I am not ashamed of my ethnic heritage. I am not mad, bad or dangerous.
I like to cook. I like to look after myself. I enjoy studying and learning. I want to get married, have children and be a good mother.

I like to wear make-up. I love to dance, listen to music and dress up for MYSELF.
Just because I am a Feminist, does not mean that I cannot do all of the above.

I am a young woman who just wants equality regardless of my skin colour, my nationality and my gender.
Is that so much to ask for in this day and age?
"Ah but you're British! You don't need more rights! We've done enough for women!" they say.
"Be grateful you're not born in India or some place like that," they say.
It should not matter where I am born or where I live or where I have grown up.
We should have never had to struggle like this for so many years and continue to do so.
Having legal rights doesn't equate to equality. We still don't have enough women in government and corporations.

"You speak too much," they say. "It's not like Asian ladies to answer back. You're making us look bad."
Well maybe it is time more of us spoke up. Made our voices heard and told our stories.
How many of our grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters and other women have suffered purely because they never spoke out?

"Ah but you're just an angry woman," they say. "Get over it."
Damn straight I am frustrated by what I see going on around me and around the world: I cannot simply 'get over it.'
I am frustrated that after all this time, we still have not got very far. It hurts me that we are still not at the same level.
So don't sit there and tell me to: 'Get over it' - it is easy for a man living in a male constructed world to say that to women.
I want to be able to use the library, the gym, participate in debates without the fear of being judged by my appearance, labelled a "wench" and silenced by online social media groups/pages.
I want my future children and other children to grow up in a world where they do not have to fight prejudices, stereotypes, militancy and gender inequality.
I want girls and women in the future to not feel undermined, shunned and passive regardless of their ethnic background.
I have a voice. You have a voice. Use it. Speak out. Do not stay silent. Do not let others speak for you.
I am a Feminist. I am a British-Indian woman. I am proud of my identity and all I want is equality.


Anonymous said...

I cannot praise this post enough! Gender inequality and sexism gets brushed under the carpet far too often; primarily because such behaviour is justified as 'banter'. Secondly, everyone is under the illusion that we are all equal now just because there are (some) women in education, politics etc.

"I want to be treated equally but still keep my differences" - This quote.

Unknown said...

It is sad that even in this age we have to fight for OUR equality.

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