Tuesday 30 July 2013

10 things I Love About...

Today's post is about 10 things I love because the last one was about my pet peeves. If you haven't read it, here's the link: 10 things I hate about... Today is my grandma's birthday and I've decided to dedicate today's post to all the things I love about her. Although there's 10 things written here, I can easily think of a million things I love about my grandma.

1. Food: Let's get this one out of the way. I generally love food - and it shows - especially the food made by my grandma. Hands down: she's easily the best cook in my family and anything she makes turns out delicious. Why? Because she makes it with love.

2. Films: My grandma's quite up to date with things. English or Indian films, she'll watch them. The other day we were watching Harry Potter and she was convinced that Dobby the House Elf was half dog. Her reasoning behind it: "Well, the elves in Lord of the Rings are so tall, what happened to this one? He's tiny! And look at those ears!"

3. Conversations: My grandma and I have the most random conversations ever. There are too many weird moments to put down here. I could honestly do a separate blog on the things that my grandma says. But my favourite one of all time has to be: "Chicken breasts? That means they should be wearing a bra right?"

4. Fierce: Whilst my grandma is an extremely gentle person, she has her moments which are extremely rare. But when they do happen, it's quite something. Let's just say she knows how to chase away Jehovah's Witnesses.

5. Advice: If I find myself in a bit of a situation, my grandma gives me the best advice ever. Which often consists of: "You can't make everyone happy, so why bother trying to? They're not going to live forever, do your own thing."

6. Doctor: My grandma could have potentially been a neuro-surgeon/doctor/psychologist/anthropologist. However, her main piece of medical advice for any ailment whatsoever is: "Take two paracetamol beta (dear)."

7. Best mate: Growing up wasn't easy, I spent much of it alone. My grandma didn't stop fighting for my brothers and I nor did she give up on my dad. I'm truly thankful to her for always being there. And she always gets rid off scary insects for me.

8. Role model: My grandma has been and is the only mother figure in my life. She's taught me how to hold my own and stand my ground. Whenever she saw me crying, she would dry my tears and say: "Today you feel hurt. But tomorrow onwards you are a lioness." She is always there for me and supports me in any project I embark upon.

9. Reality check: If ever I get distracted or go a bit stupid, my grandma is the one who happily puts me back on track in a manner deemed appropriate for that particular situation.

10. Team Chayya: My grandma is the head cheer leader when it comes to all the support I receive. My family will be in the background with their poms poms but in front is my grandma. She dispels any doubts or moments of uncertainties that I have because she sincerely wants me to achieve my potential and leave my mark.

When I was growing up, I always thought that I missed out because I didn't have a mother. What my grandma taught me was that when it comes to family and parenting, it that actions always speak louder than words. What brings a parent and their child together is behaviour and actions.
Happy birthday nan :) 

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